uma mob…………………………….upuzi::::::::::::ant/blue 2…hearing aid

in hearing aids…………………………………………….hearing differed/deferred………………………………………………… its like gillette blue 2. yes it is.what it is. but the hearing shingo upande……………………………………………………………. hear stuff like GILLETTE BLUE TOOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @#$%^&*! kweni ni ya ku shave meno???????????????????????????? !@#$%^&*?”> craps AND IN OTHER NEWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSScrapssssssss!!!!!!!! up-oo-zy/cho-cha-rito- if an ant elopes with a fellow ant ?????????????????????????????????????? SO IT IS NOW ANTELOPE  ?????????????????????????????

uma mob::::::::::::::::::::::::close.dolphin

eti shule zimefungwa??????????? serikali pls repatriate miroslav-e close for kosa la  ku close all schools.his talent is ku funga. nah.he don’t fast.,,,:”*&%$#@ scores. Gosh! amefunga bao pia! eti he closed all the blackbooards ??????????????????????  too ??????? and if peculiar kenya-s dont think of a solution ujuaji mob sez juz go to the school of fishContinue reading “uma mob::::::::::::::::::::::::close.dolphin”

umamob……………………………….hair tale.S…………………………………………si airtel

hair tales starring………………………………. 1…..berry shallo……………………………………………………………………. 2…..double M M hair man tha one and only…………………………………….. try chologist ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: u can thicken tha balding hair 3…..uma risto…..ries………………….:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yes now.ukitumia custard powder ama gram flour ya bhajia.ha! 4… BALLIng  DEAR:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::can it be reversed? iyo tungejibu kama tungeona nebuchadnezzar!!!!!! *uma risto………-ries::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::no it cant be reversed.nywele sio gari reverse niContinue reading “umamob……………………………….hair tale.S…………………………………………si airtel”


just enough is not GOOD ENOUGH YOU ARE MADE FOR MORE THAN ENOUGH BY THE GOD OF SO MUCH MORE WHO HAS MORE THAN ENOUGH FOR EVERY LIVING THING ASK HIM AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU psalms 145:16 The eyes of all look to You, And You give them their food in dueContinue reading “humourita::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ENOUGH!”